You’re hyper-connected, always on your social networks (ah Instagram ♡) and your battery is always dead ?
If yes, then you’re like me and you’ll be interested in this post : the test and review of the beam from Xoopar.

What’s a beam ? It’s a little white pebble who’s actually an emergency battery working with all the smartphones.
I found this little treasure at the Le Souk Parisien boutique just before my trip to London, perfect timing !
It’s very easy to use, no button you just have to « slide » it up to turn it on.
The colors of its eyes/cheeks tells you if it’s empty or full and ready to charge your phone completely.
It comes along with a « spider » (the swiss army knife of the adaptor as they say!) with all different cables for phones,
so it’s really useful when your friend doesn’t have a beam too !

So I took it with me to London and I must admit it’s really useful when in the train there’s no plug for example, or simply during the day when you can’t stop at a coffee, you just have to turn it on and to leave it in your bag so it charges peacefully.
I did it during my Shoreditch walk, a little beam use during the afternoon when my battery was low and I was able to use my phone until the night !
It’s little format and weight (60g) allows you to put it in every handbags, small or bigs, I can only recommend it
It exist in two version : classic (like the one I have) or with a mustache and glasses, so cute.
And today Le Souk Parisien and I are giving away the one of your choice !
To participate there’s nothing easier :
– Like my Facebook page along with Le Souk Parisien‘s one.
– Leave a comment under this post telling me why your battery is always dead ?
Too much Instagram like me ? You tweet too much ? Taking too much selfies per minute ?
– Don’t forget to leave your Name, First Name and E-Mail so I can contact you if you win !
I will draw a winner on thursday, so hurry up and good luck ! 🙂
**The winner is Melissa J.**
I’ve always got a dead battery because I’ve got a deadbeat Blackberry phone!! Checking Facebook and Twitter newsfeeds always drains my battery :'(
My battery is always dead because I take too many photos on it, and I’m always editing them and uploading them to Instagram. Along with checking Twitter etc. it drains my battery.
My battery is always dead because of my social network and photo obsession. I’m always taking tons of photos and editing them, then uploading them to Instagram or Twitter etc.
Emma –
(Sorry I forgot to leave my name etc in the last comment).
Both are already liked!! 😉
My battery is always dead because of:
Robot unicorn attack 2 (ps. Team Rainbow for life!!!)