Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in there ? That’s God playing Sims and he just cancelled your action.juin 14, 2014février 18, 2019
If you can stop and be completely satisfied with just eating one Oreo, you’re far stronger than I will ever be.mai 17, 2014juillet 12, 2015
I saw a spider in my bathtub, so I got a piece of tissue and very, very carefully, burned the house down…mai 4, 2014juillet 12, 2015
What if in 30 years they make a film about Leonardo DiCaprio and how he never won an Oscar, and the actor who plays him gets an Oscar.mai 2, 2014juillet 12, 2015
I am so not competitive. In fact, I am the least non-competitive. So I win.avril 28, 2014juillet 12, 2015