Do not panic you’re at the right place !
You are not dreaming I changed my name (and url) : goodbye Hey Dickface and hello Lazy Kat ! 🙂
If you’re following me since the beginning you already know that I started blogging with this nickname since my teenage years, the myspace and skyblog days.
Inspired by the song of the same name from Mindless Self Indulgence I found it funny, even though I’m still fan of the band and still laugh when I hear the name, I grew up (soon I’ll be 30). So I wanted a new name, a new identity, that is more like me today.
Lazy Kat came itself, I was looking for ideas, I noted some words that I liked : with cats, or with flowers, rainbows so I don’t have a cliché name like « katia’s blog »… and then by looking at Earl on the floor like a bag of potatoes, like he’s dead, I thought of the word LAZY.
A lazy cat, cat sounds like Kat (short for my name, well yes my real name isn’t Dickface)… Lazy Kat ! It sounds right, it’s short and easy to remember : BANCO !
A name like my blog, which is cool (like my outfits as i’m not really luxury/chic) as Lazy isn’t bad like being lazy (well yes I use WordReference too) but being chill, you’re cool, like a cat purring in the sun 🙂
You have to see it a bit like Snoop Dogg who became Snoop Lion or Puff Daddy who became P.Diddy etc music is the same but not the name (yes I compare myself to celebrities, what’s the problem?)
I hope that you’ll like the name, the url change but not the blog (even if the design will surely change soon) and if you type the old url by mistake for example you’ll be always redirected here, even with old direct url links to blog posts.
For those who added me to their blogroll don’t forget to update it, it will be faster for your readers if they click on my blog 🙂
For the social networks I also changed the name, if you’re following me it doesn’t change anything 🙂
On Instagram : @IamLazyKat
On Twitter : @IamLazyKat
On Tumblr :
On Pinterest :
But for Facebook and Youtube for now the url won’t change as we can’t rename them but we’re trying to find a solution !