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♡ I’m Your Present ♡A little american brand i love with it’s famous ‘Sweatheart’ earrings i’m always wearing.
She’s not only making jewelry, she also makes accessories and everything is handmade!Always with the same style, pastel colors and cute pictures!
But that’s not it, I’m Your Present also makes beautiful clothes!Dresses, skirts, T-shirts, cardigans and more, everything is beautiful!

Personally i fell in love with this flowered and stripped dress (you’re right, another stripped thing!)
You also have to know, she makes individualized and tailor made orders !And as promised : The Contest!You can win the pink flamingo earrings and the pink bow, pictured above!Participating is simple :Leave a comment with your name and email*and I’ll make a drawing lot on next Wednesday!Good luck everyone !* only one participation per address, thanks!**The contest is over!!**The winner is Julia