My new outfit… in video !
New Look blouse, a Mademoiselle R short, some Eleven Paris boots, a Yurei clutch, Shourouk x Swarovski bracelet and brooch.
Urban Outfitters unicorn ring holder, H&M rings, Michael Kors watch, Yurei temporary tattoos and eyelashes,
Chanel blush Joues Contraste and Lime Crime lipstick.
And what if to start the month of October, I’d launch a little contest ?
Would you like to win the Shourouk x Swarovski bracelet and brooch that I’m wearing ?
Then it’s really simple, you just have to :
– Like my Facebook page along with the Swarovksi Facebook page.
– Leave a comment under this post by telling me how would you have styled these two pieces ?
Don’t forget your Name, First Name and Email so I can contact you if you win.
I will pick a winner on wednesday evening ! Good luck and be creative !
**The contest is over**
**The winner is Isa D’hont**