And here you go, after hair extensions it’s now time for lashes extensions ! 😎
I thought about it for a long time without ever doing it and then I tried Cils en Seine and I couldn’t be happier of the results.
It’s absolutely painless, most of the customers fall asleep during the pose ! 😳
You just need a little bit of time : between 1h30 and 2h, it’s a bit long but the results are worth it and I truly believe during this holidays it would be the perfect gift ! :superhappy: :gift:
B E F O R E / A F T E R

As you can see the change is radical, the same makeup, no eyeliner just new lashes.
My expression has changed, I can’t believe it. I’m one of girls that doesn’t like their face without makeup and now with the lashes I can say it’s the past as even without makeup you have a beautiful look, already a good complexion.
First step, they put some patches on your bottom lashes to protect them. Now you can’t open your eyes, it’s about to begin. They clean your lashes in case they might have a bit of makeup left for example.
Then it begins, left eye and right eye at the same time, I really had the feeling that the time flew by, maybe because of the movements during the pose, you can’t see so you can’t really know the progress and you loose a bit your point of reference so time seems not long at all.
As you can see on the pictures, it’s done with a long thin pliers, they will « spread » your lashes and with a bit of glue (the little black dots you can see on the patchs) they will put a little bouquet of lashes at the root of the lashe, not your skin. Also the lashes are synthetic silk.
I asked for a natural length and curve, my lashes are naturally long but now they are even more, more thick and really black. I have the doe eyes falses lashes look everyday now ! yeeah!
The stay of the lashes will vary on how you take care of them, for example nothing with oil on your eyes, don’t rub your eyes etc. If you follow all their advices they will last between 3 and 4 weeks. Then you have the choice, they will fall naturally when your lashes falls or you can go back to remove them or fill them.

For now I bid adieu to mascara, it’s a time saving trick when I apply makeup ! My friends Lili, Carole and Myriam tried lashes extensions too and are more than happy ! They are the one who convinced me, I was jealous of they look :tongue:
By the way, thanks to my beloved Carole who does my brows incredibly every time, thanks to her I have the best look : doe eyes and brows on fleek :inlove: