Last weekend I was invited to the McArthurGlen center in Troyes (2h from Paris) to discover it and for a shopping challenge !
It’s a big outlet center with 110 boutiques (with brands such as Sandro, Tara Jarmon, Furla, Nike, Petit Bateau, Swatch…),
with prices at 30% off minimum.
We had a little challenge : find some Christmas gifts for 5 people only with 200€ !
Challenge accepted and completed : I found lovely things for my loved ones ♡
As they read my blog I don’t want to ruin the surprise of the gift so I will only say the brand and the reduction ! 🙂
At The Body Shop and Swatch a gift with 30% off, at Tara Jarmon and Nike an item with 50% off and at Furla with 40% off !
I even went to Haribo and brought back some huge candy boxes for Patrick.

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