Today I’m showing you my new favorite hairbrush : the Tangle Angel! :angel:
Like the same says, it’s angel shaped and will be your best friend against knots! :shy:
This brush is multi fonction, it detangles wet and dry hair, you ca use it for blow drying, it’s antibacterial, anti static, heat resistant, water resistant and for course its ergonomic shape is great to use by the handle of the back.
It comes in 8 différent colors, of course I chose pastel pink… :doubleheart:

Since I tried it, I only use it, I love it. My hair are nicely detangled and I have the feeling they break less or I loose less hair when I brush them. The fact that it’s heat resistant is really practical, once they are dry I do a mini blow dry with it to straighten my hair and they are great!
But it’s not all, indeed you can find the same one for our beloved pets. :kitty: :dog:
Let me introduce the Pet Angel tested and approved by my little Earl Grey!
It’s the same technology as for the Tangle Angel, tested on humans :superhappy: anti-bacterial, anti-static that makes the hair soft and shiny and of course does not hurt!
Olala, autant je ne risque pas de quitter ma Tangle Teezer que j’ai depuis looongtemps ! Mais je trouve ça adorable la petite brosse pour animaux 🙂
J’avais la tangle depuis trèèèèèèès longtemps aussi et j’ai vu direct la différence avec celle ci !
:inlove: :inlove: I loveeee this pastel pink color :unicorn: :inlove: